Sunday, May 4, 2014

Celebrating Nicholas!

We drove from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids last night so that we could attend church at First Congregational this morning.  We stayed over night with our friends, Larry and Barb Taylor and went to church with them this morning.

Our friends, Carol and Jerry Schaub, invited us to celebrate the baptism of their newly adopted little grandson, Nicholas.  It was especially a good day to be at First Congregational, our home church for over 26 years, because the Chancel Choir was doing a performance of various hymns written by Allen Koepke.  It was a glorious service!

The Chancel Choir from First Congregational along with the choir from First Lutheran performed the tribute to Mr. Koepke.

 Christ Is Risen

The Baptism of Nicholas

We absolutely couldn't believe how well Nicholas behaved in church today.  He was so good and quiet.  He loved the choir music and tried to imitate Jerry, the Choir Director.  It was sooooo cute!

The Future Choir Director

After the service we went up to the Parlor of the church where a reception was held for Julie, Mark and Nicholas.
I'm sitting with one of my good friends, Pam Dircks. 
Brunch was served
The new Mom, Julie, with her friend goofing off!

We played several games during the shower.

Time for the opening of gifts

Proud little Nicholas

Larry and Barb Taylor, Carol Schaub and Pam 
Kate Hawkins and Dawn Moriarity
Jerry Schaub playing with the kids

Joyce Vogt and Kate Hawkins
Julie and Mark with the cake
Jerry and Lee
Barb and Carol, two of my dearest friends
Barb, Carol and me
Larry and Barb Taylor
Jerry and his new grandson Nicholas
The proud grandparents with Nicholas

Larry and Barb

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