Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sight and Sound Theater, Lancaster County, PA

Jay and Peg treated us to seats for the Sight and Sound Theater production of Jonah today.  We drove over to Lancaster, Pennsylania to see it.  There are two Sight and Sound Theaters in the United States.  The one in Lancaster and another in Branson, Missouri.  Sight and Sound Theaters is the largest faith-based live theater in the country.

The production of Jonah begins when he disobeys God and runs away from the Lord.  Then he goes through the terrible storm and is swallowed by the whale.  It is just amazing how they mix special affects, original music and spectacular staging to make the production.  The actors and props are on stage, in the balconies and sometimes in the audience.  The audience itself is enormous.  I'm not sure how many people were at the production we went to, but it is a huge auditorium and it was packed. 

According to the website for Sight and Sound, "The name "Sight and Sound" was inspired by the teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 13:10-23. The disciples asked Jesus why he spoke to the people in parables or stories. Jesus replied that even though people were seeing, they did not really see. Even though they were hearing, they did not truly hear or understand what they heard.  It is our goal to visualize and dramatize Biblical truth through live stage productions - to illustrate truth in the same way that Jesus did, by storytelling. Our desire is that our audience will gain clear understanding and inspiration through these presentations, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and deepen their relationship with our Father through Him."

Sight and Sound Theater

Entry Sign

Ceiling in the Entry

Of course, there is a Gift Shop

Lee, Mary, Peg and Jay

Jay and Peg making a purchase

Brothers, Jay and Lee

Inside the Theater
It looks like just a big screen, but the screen moves and then live actors, actresses and animals inhabit states on the right and the left of the screen and where the screen in.  It is fabulous!

Some of the Audience
We truly enjoyed the show but, of course, we would have liked to get a few pictures while it was going on but that was strictly taboo!

The show was a splendid adventure and we hope we can see another one some time.

For more information, see

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