Sunday, September 26, 2021

Pam & Dick Dircks 50th Anniversary Party


Pam has been a good friend of mine from church since practically when Lee and I got married. She has also been my fearless leader for scrapbooking and making cards. She is a very very talented person. I loved all the scrapbooking weekends we had and she is just a terrific Mom, Grandma and Wife. We never got to know Dick very well. He was off doing his own thing which had to do with high school sports and assisting in any way he could. We were happy to be in town so that we could attend Pam and Dick's 50th Anniversary. 

Their 50th was held at this building in Lowe's Park in Marion, Iowa.

Dick, Pam and one of their two grandchildren.

Pam and Dick's Wedding Photo

Pam made the cake and mints and all the food! 
She is one talented lady!

Our friends, Carol and Jerry Schaub. I hate that all the pictures had to have masked people but Covid is still running strong so better safe than sorry!

My friend, Barb, and Monica's husband, Matt.

Lee and I

Jerry and Carol

Pam visiting with guests. Unfortunately, Dick has not been well so he isn't up and about too much these days!

Barb coming back with her piece of cake.

They had pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, baked beans, etc. so no one went  hungry!

Yummy dessert plate!

Best Buds: Carol, Mary and Barb

Larry and Monica's husband, Matt

The party's over and Monica and gathering all the centerpieces

It was a beautiful event and we were sure glad we were home for it.

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