Sunday, August 11, 2013

National Elk Refuge Drive

This morning we went to church at the Presbyterian Church. Then I talked Lee into driving the National Elk Refuge Road. The elk won't arrive until snow falls and their food sources have dried up but one of the women at the Chuck Wagon the other day was saying that she stayed in a campground at the top of the Elk Refuge a couple years ago and the views were spectacular. Lee wasn't particularly enthused because he doesn't like to take our truck on any rough roads. The truck is pretty stiff and it doesn't take ruts well. It just isn't made for back country driving. However, I managed to talk him into it. 

The first part of the road wasn't too bad. Then it just disintegrated into lots of ruts and I was afraid we were going to turn back before we got to the top. We were being bounced all over the place. However, we made it to the top and the views were spectacular so I'm glad we went. However, I know I won't get him on that road again unless we rent a car!

After the ride we drove over to the Cowboy Cafe in Teton Village for some lunch. We both ordered Pretzel bun hot dogs and I had a drink. The bill was $30 plus tip. Where else in the world but Jackson Hole would a person pay $30 for two hot dogs and a drink. However, they were pretty good hot dogs and they came with fries!

After we got home we both did something we rarely do, we took a nap for about two hours. We were both pretty tired. When we woke up we both went to work on this Blog. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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