Tuesday, July 10, 2012

McKinely Presidential Library and Museum

After we visited the McKinely National Monument, we headed over to the Presidential Library and Museum which is on the same property. 

Entrance to the Building

Bust of McKinely Outside the Library and Museum

We took a picture of this sign and entrance to a theater.  We wondered if the Hazlett this theater was named after was any relation to friends of ours!

The first part of the museum contains a lot of memorabilia and history of Stark County, Ohio.  The above picture is of a Radio Shack TRS-80.  It was one of the first personal computer purchased in Stark County, Ohio.  In 1980 Bill Harper bought this computer and a printer for a grand total of $4961.20! 

1921 Holmes Automobile

Lift Powered By Hoover
I felt like I was visiting a fair in this part of the museum.  First I was lifted up in the air by a Hoover and then I got on this ride that was hand powered.  These two little girls loved to spin it and I was pretty dizzy by the time I got off.

Items from the 1800's

World War II Kitchen

President McKinely's Desk From The Oval Office
This desk had drawers on both sides.  This side was for the President and the other side was for his secretary.  

President and Mrs. McKinely carried on quite a conversation in their drawing room as we wandered through the Presidential part of the museum.

More items that belonged to the McKinely's

These were campaign items

This is the nighshirt that President McKinely died in

President McKinely ran his campaign from this front porch
We found it interesting that McKinely had people come to him instead of traveling to all the states on a national campaign.  It worked well for him because he knew ahead of time who would be there and he could talk to the concerns of those that were in the audience.  Can't imagine that today!  The funny thing was he didn't use his front porch!

Campaign Umbrella

Looking For Moses
There was a special exhibit of Political cartoons in the museum.  The above was Looking for Moses.  I think that is who we need now!  Of course, since Moses was not a very good speaker, no one probably would have voted for him!

Loved this bike!

Here I am with No. 5
The downstairs of the Museum is a Children's Museum with dinosaurs, robots, and other wonderful exhibits.  We wandered around the area with No. 5 for quite awhile.  Unlike the movie No. 5, this one didn't speak.

Sabor-toothed Cat From the LaBrea Tar Pits

A Roaring Allosaurus

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