Tree Swallow
Today we headed off to the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge which is about 50 miles from us. It is a really nice place, however, since Covid 19 has arrived in the Valley, these places are not being kept up like they were previously. We normally get out and walk the trails and we did some of that today, however, the walking paths were getting pretty overgrown and we had to keep ducking in and around brush that was starting to take over. At this refuge they apparently aren't feeding the birds in the one area where there are normally lots of birds trying to get that feed.
That said though, because the traffic in the park was so light, it was kind of an amazing day. There were deer on the roadways and the Road Runners (who we always love to see) were out in force. We really have never seen this many of them in one place before.
The most awesome thing though was that we have been hunting around for a Groove-billed Ani and whenever a birding site says they've seen one, we've taken off to find it and never found them. Today we saw several of them too. That just made our month!
Large Nest Near The Bird Feeding Station
This is the area where the birds are normally fed daily.
They have finally given up on it!
This walkway is just starting to be a problem.
Some we tried were totally overgrown.
This was our first sighting ever of a Groove-billed Ani.
We could not believe our luck!
So you'll see many of him today because
we were just delighted to see him.
Here's another one!
Then we got another surprise when this Bi-plane flew over us!
As we said the Road Runners were just
everywhere today. It was so fun!
This guy took off like a shot when he saw us. They can really go. However, we never heard one "BEEP BEEP"!
This looks like a fawn but he stayed put until we got
really close and we didn't see MaMa hanging around!
He was in the middle of the road and was not happy with us!
More Deer
And More Road Runners!
Mourning Dove
Chachalaca - they are the pigeons of Texas!
Everything is bigger in Texas!
And another Groove-billed Ani!
And Another!
Now we've come to the part of the refuge where
you can see the Laguna Atacosa. The little
pavillion above has a wonderful view of it.
There is a wind farm across the Lagoon.
When we left we had to stop for a large ship going under the Colorado Avenue Lift Bridge over the Arroyo Colorado River. And, to tell the truth, that was fun too! We watched as they brought the bridge deck up, then the ship went through, then they lowered the bridge and then we could drive over the bridge. Probably Texas taxes at work!